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The Birthday Book of Saints: Powerful Personal Patrons for Every Blessed Day

The Birthday Book of Saints: Powerful Personal Patrons for Every Blessed Day

$15.00 Prix original
$12.00Prix promotionnel

That special date the most important day in all the year, your birthday just happens to be the authorized, worldwide, time-honored Feast of an honest-to-God Saintóor even a heavenly host of Saints!

Never mind astrology. Forget numerology. The true significance of your date of birth is obviously determined by the character of your Patron Saints those heroes and heroines of the Faith whose fabulous lives and miraculous deeds this blessed book reveals, in convenient calendar format!

But The Birthday Book of Saints is not merely a compulsively accurate, fanatically researched, up-to-date, day-by-day listing of their Feasts. It also religiously details each Saint's particular Patronage: his or her divinely assigned, eternal interest in such earthly matters as jobs, hobbies, crises, medical problems, neuroses, and lifestyles. (Everyone knows that Saint Patrick looks after the Irish, and Saint Valentine loves lovers--but wait till you meet Saint Germaine Cousine, Patron Saint of unattractive people, and Saint Eugene de Mazenod, the Patron of dysfunctional families.) And theyíre all out there just waiting to help you.

But wait. There's more!

The Birthday Book of Saints also reveals, at no additional cost, your Other Birthday the annual Feast of your Name Saint, on which you are entitled to throw yourself a huge party, during which the unpleasant subject of age never comes up!

Profusely illustrated with fine art, kitsch, icons, photographs, movie stills, and drawings, The Birthday Book of Saints arrives just in time to provide spiritual nourishment for the faithful and faithless in the new millennium.




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