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“The Cataphrygians arose as the twenty-sixth heresy, taking their name from the province whence they came . . . holy Soter, Pope of the city, wrote a book against them, and so did Apollonius, the president of the Ephesians, against whom Tertullian, a presbyter of Carthage, wrote. Tertullian always wrote extremely well, but he laid himself open to blame in this only, that he defended Montanus and attacked the aforesaid Soter, Pope of the city. . We read that once upon a time the Tertullianists were condemned by Soter, the Roman Pope. . . . . . . Opposition of all kinds was charged against Celestius to condemn him, but he argued that he was orthodox in many of these matters, and that he could not be condemned in respect of the rest. Then, when the matter was referred to him by almost all the African bishops,' Pope Innocent condemned Pelagius and Celestius. But they, both before and after they were condemned by the universal Church, did not stop writing to the effect that man can be without sin, and that Adam did not damage the human race.” (De Haeresibus [A.D. 440]).

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