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From Atheism to Catholicism

From Atheism to Catholicism


Still in the plastic wrap, this collection of testimonies by nine former atheists who found new life in the Catholic Church is one of the most helpful tools for cultivating the faith ever crafted! Here you'll meet:

  • The atheistic Jew who sparked the conversion of a fellow atheist, and led him into the priesthood.
  • The Nietzsche-loving bodybuilder whose atheism was upended by St. Thomas Aquinas.
  • The hardened, anti-Catholic, neo-Nazi convict who shed his vices and became a celebrated Catholic author.
  • The commune-dwelling hippie socialist who is now a happy Catholic husband and father.
  • The once militant, gay atheist who is now "Christ's willing captive".

And other prominent members of our Church who, in our generation, have escaped the swamp of atheistic relativism and embraced Holy Mother Church!


Dramatic and thought-provoking, these intensely personal stories refute virtually every atheistic objection to God while explaining the arguments and events that eventually led them into the Catholic Church.

Here you'll encounter proofs for the faith that will confirm your own faith and help you explain it to others, including to atheists. Read and learn:

  • The irrefutable testimony of conscience.
  • Proof that faith is not blind.
  • The facts that baffle evolutionists.
  • The overwhelming failures of materialism.
  • Proof that the Church herself is a miracle.
  • Why consideration of the Big Bang leads to the conversion of so many souls.
  • How both Mary and the male priesthood are not arguments against the Church, but evidence of her holiness.
  • How in all critical areas, the Catholic position is logical, historical, and definitive.
  • Plus scores of other arguments to pry even stubborn souls away from their atheism and show them the beauty of our Faith.

Along the way, you will come to learn about proven convert-makers: Thomas Aquinas, Cardinal Newman, Gerard Manley Hopkins, T.S. Eliot, C.S. Lewis, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, the beauty of religious art, the study of the Early Church, . . . and about proven convert-making habits: pious reading, one-on-one conversations, and, above all, prayer and Christian example (are you openly Christian?).


These inspiring pages will bring believers gratitude to God for the faith He has given them, and will give them strong new tools to help them stand up proudly for it. Readers struggling with faith will gain new strength to persevere in their search for God, and will be armed with brief prayers to help them do so. Even hard-core atheists will be jarred out of their complacency.


All will be moved by the honest drama of these good men and women who, despite many obstacles, chose to be faithful to the truth, and to follow it wherever it led them, even into the arms of the Church!




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